I have a seq2seq model which is working fine. I want to add an embedding layer in this network which I faced with an error.
this is my architecture using pretrained word embedding which is working fine(Actually the code is almost the same code available here, but I want to include the Embedding layer in the model rather than using the pretrained embedding vectors):
inputs = Input(shape=(SEQUENCE_LEN, EMBED_SIZE), name="input")
encoded = Bidirectional(LSTM(LATENT_SIZE), merge_mode="sum", name="encoder_lstm")(inputs)
encoded = Lambda(rev_ent)(encoded)
decoded = RepeatVector(SEQUENCE_LEN, name="repeater")(encoded)
decoded = Bidirectional(LSTM(EMBED_SIZE, return_sequences=True), merge_mode="sum", name="decoder_lstm")(decoded)
autoencoder = Model(inputs, decoded)
autoencoder.compile(optimizer="sgd", loss='mse')
num_train_steps = len(Xtrain) // BATCH_SIZE
num_test_steps = len(Xtest) // BATCH_SIZE
checkpoint = ModelCheckpoint(filepath=os.path.join('Data/', "simple_ae_to_compare"), save_best_only=True)
history = autoencoder.fit_generator(train_gen, steps_per_epoch=num_train_steps, epochs=NUM_EPOCHS, validation_data=test_gen, validation_steps=num_test_steps, callbacks=[checkpoint])
This is the summary:
Layer (type) Output Shape Param #
input (InputLayer) (None, 45, 50) 0
encoder_lstm (Bidirectional) (None, 20) 11360
lambda_1 (Lambda) (512, 20) 0
repeater (RepeatVector) (512, 45, 20) 0
decoder_lstm (Bidirectional) (512, 45, 50) 28400
when I change the code to add the embedding layer like this:
inputs = Input(shape=(SEQUENCE_LEN,), name="input")
embedding = Embedding(output_dim=EMBED_SIZE, input_dim=VOCAB_SIZE, input_length=SEQUENCE_LEN, trainable=True)(inputs)
encoded = Bidirectional(LSTM(LATENT_SIZE), merge_mode="sum", name="encoder_lstm")(embedding)
I received this error:
expected decoder_lstm to have 3 dimensions, but got array with shape (512, 45)
So my question, what is wrong with my model?
So, this error is raised in the training phase. I also checked the dimension of the data being fed to the model, it is (61598, 45)
which clearly do not have the number of features or here, Embed_dim
But why this error raises in the decoder part? because in the encoder part I have included the Embedding layer, so it is totally fine. though when it reached the decoder part and it does not have the embedding layer so it can not correctly reshape it to three dimensional.
Now the question comes why this is not happening in a similar code? this is my view, correct me if I'm wrong. because Seq2Seq code usually being used for Translation, summarization. and in those codes, in the decoder part also there is input (in the translation case, there is the other language input to the decoder, so the idea of having embedding in the decoder part makes sense). Finally, here I do not have seperate input, that's why I do not need any separate embedding in the decoder part. However, I don't know how to fix the problem, I just know why this is happening:|
this is my data being fed to the model:
sent_wids = np.zeros((len(parsed_sentences),SEQUENCE_LEN),'int32')
sample_seq_weights = np.zeros((len(parsed_sentences),SEQUENCE_LEN),'float')
for index_sentence in range(len(parsed_sentences)):
temp_sentence = parsed_sentences[index_sentence]
temp_words = nltk.word_tokenize(temp_sentence)
for index_word in range(SEQUENCE_LEN):
if index_word < sent_lens[index_sentence]:
sent_wids[index_sentence,index_word] = lookup_word2id(temp_words[index_word])
sent_wids[index_sentence, index_word] = lookup_word2id('PAD')
def sentence_generator(X,embeddings, batch_size, sample_weights):
while True:
# loop once per epoch
num_recs = X.shape[0]
indices = np.random.permutation(np.arange(num_recs))
# print(embeddings.shape)
num_batches = num_recs // batch_size
for bid in range(num_batches):
sids = indices[bid * batch_size : (bid + 1) * batch_size]
temp_sents = X[sids, :]
Xbatch = embeddings[temp_sents]
weights = sample_weights[sids, :]
yield Xbatch, Xbatch
train_size = 0.95
split_index = int(math.ceil(len(sent_wids)*train_size))
Xtrain = sent_wids[0:split_index, :]
Xtest = sent_wids[split_index:, :]
train_w = sample_seq_weights[0: split_index, :]
test_w = sample_seq_weights[split_index:, :]
train_gen = sentence_generator(Xtrain, embeddings, BATCH_SIZE,train_w)
test_gen = sentence_generator(Xtest, embeddings , BATCH_SIZE,test_w)
and parsed_sentences is 61598 sentences which are padded.
Also, this is the layer I have in the model as Lambda layer, I just added here in case it has any effect ever:
def rev_entropy(x):
def row_entropy(row):
_, _, count = tf.unique_with_counts(row)
count = tf.cast(count,tf.float32)
prob = count / tf.reduce_sum(count)
prob = tf.cast(prob,tf.float32)
rev = -tf.reduce_sum(prob * tf.log(prob))
return rev
nw = tf.reduce_sum(x,axis=1)
rev = tf.map_fn(row_entropy, x)
rev = tf.where(tf.is_nan(rev), tf.zeros_like(rev), rev)
rev = tf.cast(rev, tf.float32)
max_entropy = tf.log(tf.clip_by_value(nw,2,LATENT_SIZE))
concentration = (max_entropy/(1+rev))
new_x = x * (tf.reshape(concentration, [BATCH_SIZE, 1]))
return new_x
Any help is appreciated:)
? Can't run the code without that. And can you please post the entire model (with all layers) after you change your code to use embeddings? – Jeffiejeffreytrain_gen
function. Are you sure you are feeding in the labels/outputs with the correct shape? – Jeffiejeffrey