I've a program which process a zip file using zipfile
. It works with an iterator
, since the uncompressed file is bigger than 2GB
and it can become a memory problem.
with zipfile.Zipfile(BytesIO(my_file)) as myzip:
for file_inside in myzip.namelist():
with myzip.open(file_inside) as file:
# Process here
# for loop ....
Then I noticed that this process was being extremely slow to process my file. And I can understand that it may take some time, but at least it should use my machine resources: lets say the python process should use at 100% the core where it lives.
Since it doesn't, I started researching the possible root causes. I'm not an expert in compression matters, so first considered basic things:
- Resources seem not to be the problem, there's plenty RAM available even if my coding approach wouldn't use it.
- CPU is not in high level usage, not even for one core.
- The file being open is just about
when compressed, so disk reading should not be a slowing issue either.
This made me to think that the bottleneck could be in the most invisible parameters: RAM bandwidth. However I have no idea how could I measure this.
Then on the software side, I found on the zipfile docs:
Decryption is extremely slow as it is implemented in native Python rather than C.
I guess that if it's using native Python, it's not even using OpenGL acceleration so another point for slowliness. I'm also curious about how this method works, again because of the low CPU usage.
So my question is of course, how could I work in a similar way (not having the full uncompress file in RAM), but uncompressing in a faster way in Python? Is there another library or maybe another approach to overcome this slowliness?