I have a Neural Network implemented in Python with Keras. Once I have trained it I have exported the model and I have got two files: model.js and model.h5. Now I want to classify in real time inside a .NET project and I want to use the trained Neural Network for it.
Is there a way in ML.NET of loading the model and trained weights exported with python into a model object?
I have seen in the documentation[1] that a previous saved model can be loaded, but apparently is storage in a .zip and I could not find the format (maybe to make a script that takes the model from python and 'translate' it to the ML.NET model.
Apparently the hdf5 format is a standard[2], there is a way to load it with ML.NET?
[1] https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/machine-learning/how-to-guides/consuming-model-ml-net
[2] https://support.hdfgroup.org/HDF5/doc1.6/UG/10_Datasets.html