I set this XML Style in my app, but when I open a Spinner I cant see the text. This is where searching of information takes place.I don't really know what I am doing wrong.
This is the XML Style:
<style name="Theme.Color" parent="android:Theme">
<item name="android:textColor">#FFFFFF</item>
<item name="android:windowBackground">@drawable/fondo2</item>
This the XML of the Spinner:
android:entries="@array/box" />
And when I open a Spinner this happens, I cant see the text (text color is white).
I need to set the text color to another of the spinner only when it is open or the background of the text changes.
– Nobeandroid:textColor="#000000"
in Spinner xml or make Spinner background black asandroid:background="#000000"
– Nobeandroid:textColor
to the Spinner xml, but it dont allow me. – Misspellandroid:background
when I load the app, I open the Spinner and continues white. – Misspell