I am trying to redirect from POST to GET. How to achieve this in FastAPI?
What did you try?
I have tried below with HTTP_302_FOUND, HTTP_303_SEE_OTHER as suggested from Issue#863#FastAPI: But Nothing Works!
It always shows INFO: "GET / HTTP/1.1" 405 Method Not Allowed
from fastapi import FastAPI
from starlette.responses import RedirectResponse
import os
from starlette.status import HTTP_302_FOUND,HTTP_303_SEE_OTHER
app = FastAPI()
async def login():
# HTTP_302_FOUND,HTTP_303_SEE_OTHER : None is working:(
return RedirectResponse(url="/ressource/1",status_code=HTTP_303_SEE_OTHER)
async def get_ressource(r_id:str):
return {"r_id": r_id}
# tes is the filename(tes.py) and app is the FastAPI instance
if __name__ == '__main__':
os.system("uvicorn tes:app --host --port 80")
You can also see this issue here at FastAPI BUGS Issues