I'm refactoring a Zend Framework 2 application to use doctrine 2.5 DBAL instead of Zend_DB (ZF1). I have the following Zend_Db query:
$subSelect = $db->select()
->from('user_survey_status_entries', array('userSurveyID', 'timestamp' => 'MIN(timestamp)'))
->where('status = ?', UserSurveyStatus::ACCESSED)
$select = $db->select()
// $selectColNames contains columns both from the main query and
// the subquery (e.g. firstAccess.timestamp AS dateFirstAccess).
->from(array('us' => 'user_surveys'), $selectColNames)
->joinLeft(array('firstAccess' => $subSelect), 'us.userSurveyID = firstAccess.userSurveyID', array())
->where('us.surveyID = ?', $surveyID);
This results in the following MySQL query:
SELECT `us`.`userSurveyID`,
// More columns from main query `us`
`firstAccess`.`timestamp` AS `dateFirstAccess`
FROM `user_surveys` AS `us`
SELECT `user_survey_status_entries`.`userSurveyID`,
MIN(timestamp) AS `timestamp`
FROM `user_survey_status_entries`
WHERE (status = 20)
GROUP BY `userSurveyID`
) AS `firstAccess` ON us.userSurveyID = firstAccess.userSurveyID
WHERE (us.surveyID = '10')
I can't figure out how to join the subquery using the doctrine 2.5 query builder. In the main query, I need to select columns from the subquery.
I have read here that doctrine does not support joining subqueries. If that's still true, can I write this query in another way using the SQL query builder of doctrine DBAL? Native SQL may not be a good solution for me, as this query will be dynamically extended later in the code.