How do I set a node's position in vis.js?
I want to initially position at least one node manually.
I know that a node has the options x and y. I set both, and also tried variations of layout options (randomSeed, improvedLayout, hierarchical), the node was never placed where I set it.
Here's the simple network I defined:
nodes = new vis.DataSet([
{id: 1, shape: 'circularImage', image: DIR + '1_circle', label:"1", x: 200, y: 100},
{id: 2, shape: 'circularImage', image: DIR + '2_circle', label:"2"},
{id: 3, shape: 'circularImage', image: DIR + '3_circle', label:"3"},
edges = [
{id: "01-03", from: 1, to: 3, length: 300, label: '1 - 3'},
{id: "02-03", from: 2, to: 3},
var container = document.getElementById('graphcontainer');
var data = {
nodes: nodes,
edges: edges
var options = {
nodes: {
borderWidth: 4,
size: 30,
color: {
border: '#222222',
background: '#666666'
edges: {
color: 'lightgray'
//layout: {randomSeed:0}
//layout: {hierarchical: true}
layout: {
randomSeed: undefined,
hierarchical: {
levelSeparation: 150,
direction: 'UD', // UD, DU, LR, RL
sortMethod: 'hubsize' // hubsize, directed
network = new vis.Network(container, data, options);
The node is placed, but not at the point I set (200,100), but at another position.
I haven't found an example for explicitly setting a node's position on the vis.js page. Could someone please provide one? Thanks!