You may need the result of the division besides the remainder modulo n, so here's a seconds-to-year+days+etc translator which demonstrates the divmod function. Of course, one could go on to lustrum, decades, scores, century, or use fortnight or such. ;)
nsec = 1989550000
mnt2sec = 60; hrs2mnt=60; day2hrs=24; yrs2day=365
mnt, dus = divmod(nsec, mnt2sec)
hrs, dum = divmod(mnt, hrs2mnt)
dys, duh = divmod(hrs, day2hrs)
yrs, dud = divmod(dys, yrs2day)
print(f'{nsec} s = {yrs} y, {dud} d, {duh} h, {dum} m, {dus} s')
# check
asec = (dus+mnt2sec*(dum+hrs2mnt*(duh+day2hrs*(dud+yrs*yrs2day))))
assert asec == nsec, "wrong sum rule"