I'm trying to get MSBuild 2010 to publish a web app to a specific location. I can get it to publish the deployment package to a particular path, but the deployment package then adds its own path that changes.
For example: if I tell it to publish to C:\dev\build\Output\Debug
then the actual web files end up at C:\dev\build\Output\Debug\Archive\Content\C_C\code\app\Source\ControllersViews\obj\Debug\Package\PackageTmp
And the C_C
part of the path changes (not sure how it chooses this part of the path).
This means I can't just script a copy from the publish location.
I'm using this nant/msbuild command at the moment:
<target name="compile" description="Compiles">
<msbuild project="${name}.sln">
<property name="Platform" value="Any CPU"/>
<property name="Configuration" value="Debug"/>
<property name="DeployOnBuild" value="true"/>
<property name="DeployTarget" value="Package"/>
<property name="PackageLocation" value="C:\dev\build\Output\Debug\"/>
<property name="AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings" value="false"/>
<property name="PackageAsSingleFile" value="false"/>
Any ideas on how to get it to send the web files directly to a specific location?