So I am using fabric plugin/Twitter-kit to use twitter api in my application. I want to get the image URL of profile picture of a celebrity. here is my code below.
func getImageURL(celebrity :String) -> String{
var imageURL = ""
let client = TWTRAPIClient()
let statusesShowEndpoint = userSearch
let params = ["q": celebrity,
"page" : "1",
"count" : "1"
var clientError : NSError?
let request = client.URLRequestWithMethod("GET", URL: statusesShowEndpoint, parameters: params, error: &clientError)
client.sendTwitterRequest(request) { (response, data, connectionError) -> Void in
if connectionError != nil {
print("Error: \(connectionError)")
do {
let json = try NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(data!, options: [])
print("json: \(json)")
let profileImageURL: String? = json[0].valueForKey("profile_image_url_https") as? String
imageURL = self.cropTheUrlOfImage(profileImageURL!)
//how do i return the value back. confused ?????
return imageURL
} catch let jsonError as NSError {
print("json error: \(jsonError.localizedDescription)")
return imageURL
I don't know how to return value because the method finishes before the closure executes completely. I am new to swift, Any help is appreciated.
I want to use this method in cellForRowIndexPath in tableview to dowload image from imageURl.