Yahoo! PlaceFinder API allows you to find a corresponding WOEID for a latitude/longitude pair. Consider this example web service method call:,-122.12&flags=J&gflags=R&appid=zHgnBS4m
You can play with request parameters according to your needs, see Yahoo! PlaceFinder API documentation for more.
And you should replace appid with your Yahoo! appid, you can create one here.
This request returns a response like that, which includes a lot of useful data along with the WOEID:
"ResultSet": {
"version": "1.0",
"Error": 0,
"ErrorMessage": "No error",
"Locale": "us_US",
"Quality": 99,
"Found": 1,
"Results": [
"quality": 99,
"latitude": "37.420000",
"longitude": "-122.120000",
"offsetlat": "37.420000",
"offsetlon": "-122.120000",
"radius": 500,
"name": "37.42,-122.12",
"line1": "3589 Bryant St",
"line2": "Palo Alto, CA 94306-4207",
"line3": "",
"line4": "United States",
"house": "3589",
"street": "Bryant St",
"xstreet": "",
"unittype": "",
"unit": "",
"postal": "94306-4207",
"neighborhood": "",
"city": "Palo Alto",
"county": "Santa Clara County",
"state": "California",
"country": "United States",
"countrycode": "US",
"statecode": "CA",
"countycode": "",
"hash": "",
"woeid": 12797284,
"woetype": 11,
"uzip": "94306"