I am using Spring transactions so the transaction is still active when POJO to DTO conversion occurs.
I would like to prevent Dozer from triggering lazy loading, so that hidden sql queries never occur : all fetching has to be done explicitly via HQL (to get the best control on performances).
Is it a good practice (I can't find it documented anywhere) ?
How to do it safely ?
I tried this before DTO conversion :
PlatformTransactionManager tm = (PlatformTransactionManager) SingletonFactoryProvider.getSingletonFactory().getSingleton("transactionManager");
tm.commit(tm.getTransaction(new DefaultTransactionDefinition()));
I don't know what happens to the transaction, but the Hibernate session doesn't get closed, and the lazy loading still occurs.
I tried this :
SessionFactory sf = (SessionFactory) SingletonFactoryProvider.getSingletonFactory().getSingleton("sessionFactory");
And it prevents lazy loading, but is it a good practice to manipulate session directly in the application layer (which is called "facade" in my project) ? Which negative side effects should I fear ? (I've already seen that tests involving POJO -> DTO conversions could no more be launched through AbstractTransactionnalDatasource Spring test classes, because this classes try to trigger a rollback on a transaction which is no more linked to an active session).
I've also tried to set propagation to NOT_SUPPORTED or REQUIRES_NEW, but it reuse the current Hibernate session, and doesn't prevent lazy loading.