The development client (com.reactnative02) for this project is not installed. Please build and install the client on the device first
Asked Answered



I am getting the above error when previewing the react app on an android studio simulator. Please help. Here is the error:

"CommandError: The development client (com.reactnative02) for this project is not installed. Please build and install the client on the device first."

Lumber answered 17/8, 2022 at 7:21 Comment(0)

I was facing the same issue and below commands helped me to resolve it. Hope works for you as well. Firstly close your Metro Bundler and emulator, then try:

expo run:android

If it doesn't help go with:

npx react-native run-android
Colorado answered 20/8, 2022 at 14:33 Comment(0)

probably you are tring to use development build.

first start your expo app (-c for clear cache)

npx expo start -c

then press s (for switch to expo go)

now you can press a (for run android emulator)


you can use --go option for start with expo go

npx expo start --go


Same libraries not work on expo go and require development build. If you are using library like this first you must create a development build. (

Deina answered 8/12, 2023 at 13:35 Comment(0)

expo start --android worked for me. This is assuming you're using expo of course.

Trapes answered 2/1, 2023 at 23:56 Comment(0)

Uninstall the application via adb:

adb uninstall com.reactnative02
Garage answered 8/12, 2022 at 20:12 Comment(1)
Whis worked for me.Bronchus

This happens when trying to build with EAS dependency. It's actually the switch of build types.

You can solve this by just running

npm start

and then

press s | switch to development build.

It's done.

(Reseting caching maybe required)

Delorenzo answered 6/2, 2024 at 5:23 Comment(0)

if you are on expo and you are trying to build your app locally then you get this error follow the step below

  1. run this command npx expo run:android this will create a new android folder in your project , don't panic your app is still on Expo
  2. in the android folder ADD new file name it so in this new file paste this sdk.dir = C:\\Users\\PC-USER\\AppData\\Local\\Android\\sdk , replace PC-USER with your PC user name , then save it
  3. stop the running process in the command line with CTRL C , then run this command again npx expo run:android.

thanks this is what works for me, it will surely work for you

Camber answered 23/11, 2023 at 23:0 Comment(0)

In my case (expo), it was because my android phone was plugged when I pressed a to start the emulator so it was trying to run it on my phone which doesn't have the development build.

So I just unplugged my phone from the PC and did

npx expo start --dev-client
Breaking answered 21/11, 2023 at 16:7 Comment(0)

I don't know if that is your case, but this issue happened with me because I had to change the bundleIdentifier of my app. I did all the steps:

  • Changed the bundleIdentifier on Info.plist and app.json files.
  • Built the application again for the local profile with ios.simulator: true
  • Installed the app on the simulator after the build (eas build command asks if you want to install it on the local simulator)

When I ran my app on the simulator I got the message: Device iPhone 15 (xxxxx) has no app to handle the URI: (my.old.scheme)://expo-development-client/?url=http%3A%2F%2F192.168.0.134%3A8081

I was running my app using the command npx expo start --dev-client --ios After adding the parameter --scheme ( and forcing the simulator to open the new installed app (with the new scheme) it worked.

I hope that makes sense.

Heathenry answered 19/6, 2024 at 23:39 Comment(0)

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