I've spent some time looking for some alternative to handle generic objects, I've seen questions similar to mine, but not as specific I suppose? Protocol buffers has multiple scalar types that I can use, however they are mostly primitive. I want my message to be flexible and be able to have a field that is a List of some sort.
Let's say my .proto file looked like this:
message SomeMessage
string datetime = 1;
message inputData // This would be a list
repeated Object object = 1;
message Object
? // this need to be of a generic type - This is my question
// My work around - Using extentions with some Object
//List all primitive scalar types as optional and create an extension 100 to max;
message someObject //some random entity - for example, employee/company etc.
optional string name = 1; optional int32 id = 2;
extend Object
optional someObject obj = 101;
And this would be fine, and would work, and I'd have a List where Objects could be of any primitive type or could be List < someObject >. However- The problem here, is that any time I needed to handle a new type of object, I'd need to edit my .proto file, recompile for C# and java (The languages I need it for)...
If protocol buffers is not able to handle generic object types, is there another alternative that can? Any help on this matter is greatly appreciated.