I am trying to write a function to determine whether two equal-size bitmaps are identical or not. The function I have right now simply compares a pixel at a time in each bitmap, returning false at the first non-equal pixel.
While this works, and works well for small bitmaps, in production I'm going to be using this in a tight loop and on larger images, so I need a better way. Does anyone have any recommendations?
The language I'm using is C# by the way - and yes, I am already using the .LockBits method. =)
Edit: I've coded up implementations of some of the suggestions given, and here are the benchmarks. The setup: two identical (worst-case) bitmaps, 100x100 in size, with 10,000 iterations each. Here are the results:
CompareByInts (Marc Gravell) : 1107ms
CompareByMD5 (Skilldrick) : 4222ms
CompareByMask (GrayWizardX) : 949ms
In CompareByInts and CompareByMask I'm using pointers to access the memory directly; in the MD5 method I'm using Marshal.Copy to retrieve a byte array and pass that as an argument to MD5.ComputeHash. CompareByMask is only slightly faster, but given the context I think any improvement is useful.
Thanks everyone. =)
Edit 2: Forgot to turn optimizations on - doing that gives GrayWizardX's answer even more of a boost:
CompareByInts (Marc Gravell) : 944ms
CompareByMD5 (Skilldrick) : 4275ms
CompareByMask (GrayWizardX) : 630ms
CompareByMemCmp (Erik) : 105ms
Interesting that the MD5 method didn't improve at all.
Edit 3: Posted my answer (MemCmp) which blew the other methods out of the water. o.O
. – Adze