I am new to Django. I have created an API named
and it works perfectly in the browser and on the Postman app.
However, when I am trying to access the API from the Android app it is returning NULL.
The Android code works when the API is the following:
However, it does not work when the API is the following, even if the following API works just fine from my browser running in the same PC and from the Postman application.
I am attaching the code where API call is made.
protected String doInBackground(String... args) {
String xml = "";
String api = ""; // returns NULL works in Postman app and in the browser
// String api = "http://newsapi.org/v1/articles?source=bbc-news&sortBy=top&apiKey=8190df9eb51445228e397e4185311a66"; // works in all places
String urlParameters = "";
xml = Function.excuteGet(api, urlParameters);
return xml;
and it works okay in the browser
. In the browser on that pc. Not in a browser on your device. – Goldsberry