I'm creating a powershell script with the goal of going through several git branches, saving a patch of the working changes, switching to the trunk branch to pull remote commits, then switching back to the working branch and reapplying the working changes.
Here is the method I am testing specifically:
git diff > test.patch
git restore .
*do main branch operation*
git apply test.patch
However when I try to apply the patch that I have just created I get an error:
error: No valid patches in input (allow with "--allow-empty")
Does anyone see what I'm doing wrong here?
Git version: 2.35.2.windows.1
Powershell version: 5.1.19041.1320
git diff
command to use color. This is why robust scripts avoidgit diff
and use instead the various plumbing commands. – PernellGet-Content .\my.patch | Set-Content -Encoding utf8 .\myutf8.patch
– Flexible[1;33m
at the line beginnings. Turns out it was my alias setup, which i usedgd
by muscle memory butgit diff
worked fine.. Thanks! – Octans