If I have something like this in my code:
String line = r.readLine(); //Where r is a bufferedReader
How can I avoid a crash if the next line is the end of the file? (i.e. null)
I need to read the next line because there may be something there that I need to deal with but if there isn't the code just crashes.
If there is something there then all is OK, but I can't be guaranteed that there will be something there.
So if I do something like: (pseudo code):
if (r.readLine is null)
//End code
else {check line again and excecute code depending on what the next line is}
The issue I have with something like this is, that when I check the line against null, it already moves onto the next line, so how can I check it again?
I've not worked out a way to do this - any suggestions would be a great help.