You need to add your root path to the basename prop of BrowserRouter
If you are not using BrowserRouter, add the following
import BrowserRouter from 'react-router-dom/BrowserRouter'
<BrowserRouter basename={process.env.PUBLIC_URL}>
<App />
), ...)
process.env.PUBLIC_URL is is a part of the node.js library and is a dynamically generated url that changes based on what development mode you are in, whether you are working on your app locally, or on an actual production server like GitHub pages (
Also update the route to your home/firstwebapp component(if any)
<Route exact path='/firstwebapp' render= ... />} />
<Route exact path='/' render= ... />} />
With this change when the route path matches the ‘process.env.PUBLIC_URL’ (reponame + ‘/’) it will render your firstwebapp component