I'm trying to implement GraphQL mutation for a "complex" object. Let's say we have a Contact
with three fields: firstName
, lastName
and address
, which is object with one field street
Here is my python scheme implementation:
class Address(graphene.ObjectType):
street = graphene.String(description='Street Name')
class AddressInput(graphene.InputObjectType):
street = graphene.String(description='Street Name', required=True)
class Contact(graphene.ObjectType):
first_name = graphene.String(description='First Name')
last_name = graphene.String(description='Last Name')
address = graphene.Field(Address, description='Contact address')
class ContactInput(graphene.InputObjectType):
first_name = graphene.String(description='First Name', required=True)
last_name = graphene.String(description='Last Name', required=True)
address = AddressInput(description='Contact address', required=True)
class CreateContact(graphene.Mutation):
class Input:
contact = ContactInput()
contact = graphene.Field(Contact, description='Created Contact object')
def mutate(instance, args, context, info):
contact = Contact(**args['contact'])
return CreateContact(contact=contact)
and when I run this query:
mutation CreateContact($contact: ContactInput!) {
createContact(contact: $contact) {
contact {
address {
with the following variables:
"contact": {
"address": {
"street": "Bond Blvd"
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Doe"
I get the following result:
"createContact": {
"contact": {
"address": {
"street": null
"firstName": "John"
As you can see, street
field is null
in results.
I can get what I need if I change mutate
method to be like:
def mutate(instance, args, context, info):
args['contact']['address'] = Address(**args['contact']['address'])
contact = Contact(**args['contact'])
return CreateContact(contact=contact)
But I'm not sure this is a proper way.
So please advise a correct way to initiate nested structures.