I am trying to develop a javaagent that would instrument code with help of asm-4. For now I'm stucked with a pretty basic problem, the classloader for the javaagent doesn't see asm dependencies and therefor fails. Do I have to provide a jar-with-dependencies (aka maven build plugin) which contains all the needed classes by the agent, or is there another way to add classes to the java agent? Referencing the jar asm-all.jar directly in the classpath didn't help. Building jar-with-dependencies didn't help at first, because Premain-Class attribute couldn't be set with assembly plugin. Help is appreciated ;-)
ok, found it by experimenting. The dependent classes should be part of the jar, which can be created by maven assembly plugin, for example:
<!-- this is used for inheritance merges -->
<!-- append to the packaging phase. -->
<!-- goals == mojos -->
Use the jar as javaagent path and everything works fine.
I followed this blog post. Here is how I made it work, to get the size of objects.
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Premain-Class: ar.com.docdigital.InstrumentationApp
Can-Redefine-Classes: true
Can-Retransform-Classes: true
Can-Set-Native-Method-Prefix: true
in your pom.xml (Note we reference custom MANIFEST)
My Instrumentation Agent:
package ar.com.docdigital;
import java.lang.instrument.Instrumentation;
* @author juan.fernandez
public class InstrumentationApp {
private static Instrumentation instrumentation;
public static void premain(String args, Instrumentation inst) {
instrumentation = inst;
public static long getObjectSize(Object o) {
return instrumentation.getObjectSize(o);
My main App:
package ar.com.docdigital;
import static ar.com.docdigital.InstrumentationApp.getObjectSize;
* @author juan.fernandez
public class App {
public static void main (String[] args) {
System.out.println("Size of CoprimeLong: " + getObjectSize(new CoprimesList.CoprimeLong(1L)));
System.out.println("Size of Long: " + getObjectSize(new Long(1L)));
Putting all together & CLI output:
$ mvn package
$ java -javaagent:target/primos-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar -jar target/primos-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
Size of CoprimeLong: 24
Size of Long: 24
I used maven-jar-plugin for my CustomAgent. I dont have any dependent modules/jars so using an assembly plugin is an overkill.
I think you can specify Class-Path in the Manifest.mf file in the MyAgent.jar.
You should add Premain-Class entry to the manifest. I use gradle to build Java projects.
Add this to gradle.build
jar {
manifest {
"Premain-Class": "com.training.agent.agentapp.SimplestAgent",
"Can-Redefine-Classes": false,
"Can-Set-Native-Method-Prefix": false
And then you can run it
java -javaagent:agent.jar -jar application.jar
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