I've noticed a strange behavior in RelativeLayout
when you align a view to the layout's side
(any side) and having a large margin in the same direction.
I have 2 RelativeLayouts
that each contains a simple view. In one layout that view is align to the top and left, in the other to the bottom and right:
<FrameLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
android:layout_height="match_parent" >
android:background="#ff555555" >
android:background="#aa8711" />
android:background="#ff555555" >
android:background="#998877" />
It looks like this:
I added 130dp of margin in each direction of parent alignment. That means that the view should be only partially visible in the layout. This is what happens:
As you can see, the views are now smaller than the original size, as the get pushed on the "walls" of the layout. Next I tried to give a margin that is bigger than the layout, so I gave them 151dp of margin in the aligned directions. It looked like this:
The bottom-right aligned view now "breaks out" of the layout and is again the same size as it was originally. On the other hand, the top-left aligned view is too in its original size, but completely inside the layout instead of outside of it.
I've tried this individually and in every permutation of alignment and got the same results.
Question one: Can anyone explain this inconsistent behavior?
I tried the same thing, this time comparing the behavior to that of a FrameLayout
Initial setup:
and after margins:
The FrameLayout
keeps the view in its original size at all time and simply lets the view "exit" it. I tried to give a negative margin in the opposite direction of at least the size of the view that should be outside of the RelativeLayout
and saw the same behavior as happens in the FrameLayout
by default.
Question 2: Can anyone explain the difference in behavior and the opposite negative margin effect?
to behave better thanRelativeLayout
. I have a layout based animation I use to move views around (actually move them and not just animate). I need to be able to move them "off screen" or perhaps "off container" is more accurate. I just wanted to know if there is a reason forRelativeLayout
to keep a view inside when I push it outside in one direction but not in another direction. Margins are used everywhere, this is not "silly' input – Lenora