I have built a simple Django photo app. Users can upload photos, follow other users and like photos. To handle relationships amongst the users (following & unfollowing) I use a package called django-relationships by coleifer. It's a great package and very simple to use.
Everything works as it should. I currently have a working activity feed.
I filter the feed into two sections: Following (all the activities from the users that I follow) & You (all the activities that happened to me). I've posted two pictures below from my iOS app that uses my Django photo app as it's back-end:
What I would like to do is add aggregation to the Following Feed. As you can see, user alexperri has liked 5 shots. I would like to aggregate all these items into one line. I don't need to add aggregation for the "You" feed since I would like to see each individual action happening to me. However for the Following feed, it makes sense to add aggregation. There are several applications that do aggregation very well. Fashionlista, Pinterest & Instagram do this well. Here is an example from Instagram to show what I am trying to achieve:
In the example above, you can see the following feed and that lovetoronto liked 5 photos. I started to play around with the Instagram following feed to see how it works. The Instagram following feed shows a maximum of 35 activity entries and each entry can have a maximum of 5 activities of that action type. "lovetoronto liked 5 photos" is one activity entry and it shows the latest 5 pictures that he liked. Since lovetoronto performed the latest action, he is at the top.
I would like to achieve the same setup.
Here is my current model setup:
from django.db import models
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
class Photographer(models.Model):
user = models.OneToOneField(User, primary_key=True
likes = models.ManyToManyField('Photo', through = 'Likes',
related_name = 'likedby', blank = True)
class Photo(models.Model):
photographer = models.ForeignKey(Photographer, related_name = 'shot_owner')
created = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)
url = models.CharField(max_length=128)
class Likes(models.Model):
liked_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True, blank=True, null=True)
photographer = models.ForeignKey(Photographer, related_name = 'liked_by')
photo = models.ForeignKey(Photo, null=True)
class Activity(models.Model):
actor = models.ForeignKey(Photographer, related_name = 'actor')
receiver = models.ForeignKey(Photographer, related_name = 'receiver')
action = models.CharField(max_length=12)
post = models.ForeignKey(Photo, null=True, blank=True)
time = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)
Every time a 'Like' object is created, I create an Activity object as well, the actor being the person who did the action, the receiver being the person who the action was done to, the action (in this case a string, 'liked'), post (the photo) and the time being the creation of the activity object.
I use django-tastypie to get and create 'Like' & 'Activity' objects.
from tastypie.resources import ModelResource, ALL, ALL_WITH_RELATIONS
from tastypie.authentication import BasicAuthentication
from tastypie.authorization import DjangoAuthorization, Authorization
from photoapp.photodb.models import *
from tastypie.serializers import Serializer
from relationships.utils import positive_filter
from relationships.models import Relationship
from relationships.models import RelationshipStatus
class LikeResource(ModelResource):
user = fields.ForeignKey(BasicUserResource, 'user', full=True)
class Meta:
queryset = Photographer.objects.all()
allowed_methods = ['put']
resource_name = 'like'
fields = ['user']
default_format = 'application/json'
authorization = Authorization()
authentication = BasicAuthentication()
serializer = Serializer(formats=['json'])
always_return_data = True
include_resource_uri = False
def hydrate(self, bundle):
shot = Photo.objects.all().get(id = bundle.data['photo id'])
user = Photographer.objects.all().get(user = bundle.request.user)
if(bundle.obj.likes.filter(id = bundle.data['photo id']).exists()):
Activity.objects.filter(actor__user = bundle.request.user,
post = shot, action = 'liked').delete()
like = Likes(photographer = user, photo=shot)
user_doing_the_liking = User.objects.get(
user = Photographer.objects.all().get(user = bundle.request.user)
user_getting_liked = shot.photographer.user
photographer_getting_liked = shot.photographer
newActivity = Activity()
newActivity.actor = user
newActivity.receiver = photographer_getting_liked
newActivity.action = 'liked'
newActivity.post = shot
return bundle
class FollowingFeed(ModelResource):
actor = fields.ForeignKey(BasicPhotographerResource, 'actor', full=True)
receiver = fields.ForeignKey(BasicPhotographerResource, 'receiver', full=True)
post = fields.ForeignKey(BasicPostResource, attribute = 'post', full=True, null=True)
class Meta:
queryset = Activity.objects.all()
allowed_methods = ['get']
resource_name = 'following-feed'
fields = ['actor', 'receiver', 'action', 'post', 'id', 'time']
default_format = "application/json"
authorization = Authorization()
authentication = BasicAuthentication()
serializer = Serializer(formats=['json'])
always_return_data = True
include_resource_uri = False
def get_object_list(self, request):
return super(FollowingFeed, self).get_object_list(request)\
.filter(actor__user__in = request.user.relationships.following())\
.exclude(receiver__user = request.user)\
.exclude(actor__user = request.user).order_by('-time')
How can I modify the FollowingFeed resource in such a way that it will aggregate the activity objects? I came across the Feedly project. How can I use it with my current setup?
as well? Is there any other action type besidesliked
? – DispersantActivity
table is used only for likes.. – Dispersant