I'm learning to use Alex and Happy to write a small compiler. I want to maintain line and column information for my AST nodes so that I can provide meaningful error messages to the user. To illustrate how I plan to do it, I wrote a small example (see code below), and I'd like to know if the way I approached the problem (having AlexPosn attached to the tokens, attaching a polymorphic attribute field to AST nodes, using tkPos and astAttr) is good style or if there are better ways to handle position information.
module Lexer where
%wrapper "posn"
$white = [\ \t\n]
tokens :-
$white+ ;
[xX] { \pos s -> MkToken pos X }
"+" { \pos s -> MkToken pos Plus }
"*" { \pos s -> MkToken pos Times }
"(" { \pos s -> MkToken pos LParen }
")" { \pos s -> MkToken pos RParen }
data Token = MkToken AlexPosn TokenClass
deriving (Show, Eq)
data TokenClass = X
| Plus
| Times
| LParen
| RParen
deriving (Show, Eq)
tkPos :: Token -> (Int, Int)
tkPos (MkToken (AlexPn _ line col) _) = (line, col)
module Parser where
import Lexer
%name simple
%tokentype { Token }
'(' { MkToken _ LParen }
')' { MkToken _ RParen }
'+' { MkToken _ Plus }
'*' { MkToken _ Times }
x { MkToken _ X }
Expr : Term '+' Expr { NAdd $1 $3 (astAttr $1) }
| Term { $1 }
Term : Factor '*' Term { NMul $1 $3 (astAttr $1) }
| Factor { $1 }
Factor : x { NX (tkPos $1) }
| '(' Expr ')' { $2 }
data AST a = NX a
| NMul (AST a) (AST a) a
| NAdd (AST a) (AST a) a
deriving (Show, Eq)
astAttr :: AST a -> a
astAttr (NX a) = a
astAttr (NMul _ _ a) = a
astAttr (NAdd _ _ a) = a
happyError :: [Token] -> a
happyError _ = error "parse error"
module Main where
import Lexer
import Parser
main :: IO ()
main = do
s <- getContents
let toks = alexScanTokens s
print $ simple toks