Many posts on different aspects of this question but I haven't seen a post that brings it all together.
First a subjective statement: it seems like the simplicity we experience when working with the Python language is shot to pieces when we move outside the interpreter and start grappling with deployment issues. How best to have multiple versions of Python on the same machine? Where should packages be installed? Disutils vs. setuptools vs. pip etc. It seems like the Zen of Python is being abused pretty badly when it comes to deployment. I'm feeling eerie echoes of the "DLL hell" experience on Windows.
Do the experts agree on some degree of best practice on these questions?
Do you run multiple versions of Python on the same machine? How do you remain confident that they can co-exist -- and the newer version doesn't break assumptions of other processes that rely on the earlier version (scripts provided by OS vendor, for example)? Is this safe? Does virtualenv suffice?
What are the best choices for locations for different components of the Python environment (including 3rd party packages) on the local file system? Is there a strict or rough correspondence between locations for many different versions of Unixy and Windows OS's that can be relied upon?
And the murkiest corner of the swamp -- what install tools do you use (setuptools, distutils, pip etc.) and do they play well with your choices re: file locations, Python virtual environments, Python path etc.
These sound like hard questions. I'm hopeful the experienced Pythonistas may have defined a canonical approach (or two) to these challenges. Any approach that "hangs together" as a system that can be used with confidence (feeling less like separate, unrelated tools) would be very helpful.
-- it simplifies many of the issues I asked about. There are still odd issues with each variant distribution tool, but having a walled-off Python environment that can be switched in & out of quickly helps a lot. – Divisive