When saving the storyboard and committing the changes to git, the chances are good that the whole <classes>
section will be removed from or added to source control (git). I am using git on the command line, not the XCode integrated UI.
First it looks like this:
+ <classes>
+ <class className="CPTGraphHostingView" superclassName="UIView">
+ <source key="sourceIdentifier" type="project" relativePath="./Classes/CPTGraphHostingView.h"/>
+ </class>
+ </classes>
And in the next commit it looks like that:
- <classes>
- <class className="CPTGraphHostingView" superclassName="UIView">
- <source key="sourceIdentifier" type="project" relativePath="./Classes/CPTGraphHostingView.h"/>
- </class>
- </classes>
Why is that, and, more importantly: how can I stop that?
<document ... systemVersion="...">
toggles between11D50
. Not sure what this is about and if it might be the cause. – Ordway