There seems to be some agreement that you can't willy nilly point (an int*) into a char
array because of the C++ aliasing rules.
From this other question -- Generic char[] based storage and avoiding strict-aliasing related UB -- it seems that it is allowed to (re-)use storage through placement new.
alignas(int) char buf[sizeof(int)];
void f() {
// turn the memory into an int: (??) from the POV of the abstract machine!
::new (buf) int; // is this strictly required? (aside: it's obviously a no-op)
// access storage:
*((int*)buf) = 42; // for this discussion, just assume the cast itself yields the correct pointer value
So, is the above legal C++ and is the placement new actually needed to make it legal?
lvalue. You can put an int into a char array by other means, e.g.memcpy
it in and out. – Waynewayolle