I haven't been able to find any satisfactory coverage of this topic all in one place, so I was wondering:
What are the fastest set intersect, union, and disjoin algorithms?
Are there any interesting ones with limited domains?
Can anyone beat O(Z) where Z is the actual size of intersection?
If your approach relies on sorted sets, please note that, but don't consider it a disqualifying factor. It seems to me that there must be a veritable storehouse of subtle optimizations to be shared, and I don't want to miss any of them.
A few algorithms I know rely on bitwise operations beyond the vanilla, so you may assume the presence of SSE4 and access to intrinsics like popcount. Please note this assumption.
Of interest: An Implementation of B-Y Intersect
We've got some really good partial answers, but I'm still hoping for some more complete attacks on the problem. I'm particularly interested in seeing a more fully articulated use of bloom filters in attacking the problem.
I've done some preliminary work on combining bloom filters with a cuckoo hash table. It's looking almost obnoxiously promising, because they have very similar demands. I've gone ahead and accepted an answer, but I'm not really satisfied at the moment.