I'm using SendGrid's SMTP API in my Rails application to send out emails. However, I'm running into troubles testing the email header ("X-SMTPAPI") using RSpec.
Here's what the email looks like (retrieving from ActionMailer::Base.deliveries):
#<Mail::Message:2189335760, Multipart: false, Headers:
<Date: Tue, 20 Dec 2011 16:14:25 +0800>,
<From: "Acme Inc" <[email protected]>>,
<To: [email protected]>,
<Message-ID: <[email protected]>>,
<Subject: Your Acme order>, <Mime-Version: 1.0>,
<Content-Type: text/plain>, <Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit>,
<X-SMTPAPI: {"sub":{"|last_name|":[Foo],"|first_name|":[Bar]},"to":["[email protected]"]}>>
Here's my spec code (which failed):
ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.last.to.should include("[email protected]")
I've also tried various method to retrieve the header("X-SMTPAPI") and didn't work either:
mail = ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.last
mail.headers("X-SMTPAPI") #NoMethodError: undefined method `each_pair' for "X-SMTPAPI":String
Update (answer)
Turns out, I can do this to retrieve the value of the email header:
However, the returned value is in JSON format. Then, all I need to do is to decode it:
sendgrid_header = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(mail.header['X-SMTPAPI'].value)
which returns a hash, where I can do this:
to retrieve the array of email addresses.