Is it worth bothering to align [...] ?
Yes, definitely worth it and its also very cheap.
You can do aligned writes to an unaligned block easily without needing jumps.
For example:
//assume rcx = length of block, assume length > 8.
//assume rdx = pointer to block
xor rax,rax
mov r9,rdx //remember r9 for later
sub rcx,8
mov [rdx],rax //start with an unaligned write
and rdx,not(7) //force alignment
lea r8,[rdx+rcx] //finish with unaligned tail write
xor r9,rdx //Get the misaligned byte count.
sub rcx,r9
jl @tail //jl and fuse with sub
mov [rdx],rax //all writes in this block are aligned.
lea rdx,[rdx+8]
sub rcx,8
jns @loop
mov [r8],rax //unaligned tail write
I'm sure you can extrapolate this example from a non-unrolled example to an optimized AVX2 example.
Alignment is a simple matter of a misalignment= start and not(alignmentsize -1)
You can then do a misalignmentcount = start xor misalingment
to get a count of the misaligned bytes.
None of this requires jumps.
I'm sure you can translate this to AVX.
The below code for FillChar
about 3x faster than the standard libs.
Note that I've used jumps, the testing showed it was faster to do so.
{$ifdef CPUX64}
procedure FillChar(var Dest; Count: NativeInt; Value: Byte);
//rcx = dest
.align 16
movzx r8,r8b //There's no need to optimize for count <= 3
mov rax,$0101010101010101
mov r9d,edx
imul rax,r8 //fill rax with value.
cmp edx,59 //Use simple code for small blocks.
jl @Below32
@Above32: mov r11,rcx
rep mov r8b,7 //code shrink to help alignment.
lea r9,[rcx+rdx] //r9=end of array
sub rdx,8
rep mov [rcx],rax //unaligned write to start of block
add rcx,8 //progress 8 bytes
and r11,r8 //is count > 8?
jz @tail
@NotAligned: xor rcx,r11 //align dest
lea rdx,[rdx+r11]
@tail: test r9,r8 //and 7 is tail aligned?
jz @alignOK
@tailwrite: mov [r9-8],rax //no, we need to do a tail write
and r9,r8 //and 7
sub rdx,r9 //dec(count, tailcount)
@alignOK: mov r10,rdx
and edx,(32+16+8) //count the partial iterations of the loop
mov r8b,64 //code shrink to help alignment.
mov r9,rdx
jz @Initloop64
@partialloop: shr r9,1 //every instruction is 4 bytes
lea r11,[rip + @partial +(4*7)] //start at the end of the loop
sub r11,r9 //step back as needed
add rcx,rdx //add the partial loop count to dest
cmp r10,r8 //do we need to do more loops?
jmp r11 //do a partial loop
@Initloop64: shr r10,6 //any work left?
jz @done //no, return
mov rdx,r10
shr r10,(19-6) //use non-temporal move for > 512kb
jnz @InitFillHuge
@Doloop64: add rcx,r8
dec edx
mov [rcx-64+00H],rax
mov [rcx-64+08H],rax
mov [rcx-64+10H],rax
mov [rcx-64+18H],rax
mov [rcx-64+20H],rax
mov [rcx-64+28H],rax
mov [rcx-64+30H],rax
mov [rcx-64+38H],rax
jnz @DoLoop64
@done: rep ret
//db $66,$66,$0f,$1f,$44,$00,$00 //nop7
@partial: mov [rcx-64+08H],rax
mov [rcx-64+10H],rax
mov [rcx-64+18H],rax
mov [rcx-64+20H],rax
mov [rcx-64+28H],rax
mov [rcx-64+30H],rax
mov [rcx-64+38H],rax
jge @Initloop64 //are we done with all loops?
rep ret
db $0F,$1F,$40,$00
@FillHuge: add rcx,r8
dec rdx
db $48,$0F,$C3,$41,$C0 // movnti [rcx-64+00H],rax
db $48,$0F,$C3,$41,$C8 // movnti [rcx-64+08H],rax
db $48,$0F,$C3,$41,$D0 // movnti [rcx-64+10H],rax
db $48,$0F,$C3,$41,$D8 // movnti [rcx-64+18H],rax
db $48,$0F,$C3,$41,$E0 // movnti [rcx-64+20H],rax
db $48,$0F,$C3,$41,$E8 // movnti [rcx-64+28H],rax
db $48,$0F,$C3,$41,$F0 // movnti [rcx-64+30H],rax
db $48,$0F,$C3,$41,$F8 // movnti [rcx-64+38H],rax
jnz @FillHuge
rep ret
db $0F,$1F,$44,$00,$00 //db $0F,$1F,$40,$00
@Below32: and r9d,not(3)
jz @SizeIs3
@FillTail: sub edx,4
lea r10,[rip + @SmallFill + (15*4)]
sub r10,r9
jmp r10
@SmallFill: rep mov [rcx+56], eax
rep mov [rcx+52], eax
rep mov [rcx+48], eax
rep mov [rcx+44], eax
rep mov [rcx+40], eax
rep mov [rcx+36], eax
rep mov [rcx+32], eax
rep mov [rcx+28], eax
rep mov [rcx+24], eax
rep mov [rcx+20], eax
rep mov [rcx+16], eax
rep mov [rcx+12], eax
rep mov [rcx+08], eax
rep mov [rcx+04], eax
mov [rcx],eax
@Fallthough: mov [rcx+rdx],eax //unaligned write to fix up tail
rep ret
@SizeIs3: shl edx,2 //r9 <= 3 r9*4
lea r10,[rip + @do3 + (4*3)]
sub r10,rdx
jmp r10
@do3: rep mov [rcx+2],al
@do2: mov [rcx],ax
@do1: mov [rcx],al
rep ret
@do0: rep ret
This is not that much and is definitely cheaper than branching to check the alignment
I think the checks are quite cheap (see above).
Note that you can have pathological cases where the incur the penalty all the time, because the blocks happen to straddle the lines a lot.
About mixing AVX and SSE code
On Intel there is a 300+ cycle penalty for mixing AVX and (legacy, i.e. non-VEX encoded) SSE instructions.
If you use AVX2 instructions to write to memory you'll incur a penalty if you use SSE code in the rest of your application and Delphi 64 uses SSE exclusively for floating point.
Using AVX2 code in this context would incur crippling delays. For this reason alone I suggest you don't consider AVX2.
There is no need for AVX2
You can saturate the memory bus using 64 bit general purpose registers doing just writes.
When doing combined reads and writes, 128 bits reads and writes will also easily saturate the bus.
This is true on older processors and obviously also true if you move beyond the L1 cache, but not true on the latest processors.
Why is there a penalty for mixing AVX and SSE (legacy) code?
Intel writes the following:
Initially the processor is in clean state (1), where Intel SSE and
Intel AVX instructions are executed with no penalty. When a 256-bit
Intel AVX instruction is executed, the processor marks that it is in
the Dirty Upper state (2). While in this state, executing an Intel SSE
instruction saves the upper 128 bits of all YMM registers and the
state changes to Saved Dirty Upper state (3). Next time an Intel AVX
instruction is executed the upper 128 bits of all YMM registers are
restored and the processor is back at state (2). These save and
restore operations have a high penalty. Frequent execution of these
transitions causes significant performance loss.
There is also the issue of dark silicon. AVX2 code uses a lot of hardware, having all that silicon lit up uses a lot of power which affects the thermal headroom. When executing AVX2 code the CPU throttles down, sometimes even below the normal non-turbo threshold. By powering down the circuitry for 256-bit AVX the CPU can achieve higher turbo clocks because of the better thermal headroom. The off switch for AVX2 circuitry is not seeing 256 bit code for a longish time duration (675us) and the on-switch is seeing AVX2 code. Mixing the two causes switching on and off of circuitry which takes many cycles.
vmovdqa ymm
, notvmovdqu ymm
, and it will bring benefits in other places - for example, if we will later need to copy of fill that memory - it will be already 32-byte aligned. – Nevelsimul
instruction, and then uses the result as an offset. What a shame! – Nevelsrealloc
happens, it does a table lookup to get a corresponding fixed-size copy memory routine and calls it; for blocks larger than 128 byte there is a generic routine, but it is also special - it doesn't need to worry about granularity and alignment - since these memory blocks are already granular and aligned. So, anyway, they may be more efficient than one-size-fits-all memory copy routine that has lots of branching. – Nevelsvmovdqa xmm
. For 32B or larger blocks, copy withvmovdqa ymm
. (Or if AVX512 is available, usevmovdqa64 zmm
for 64B or larger blocks). If different block-sizes already take different code paths, then you don't need any extra branching. (Just maybe some code duplication if there was some common stuff.) If not, then maybe it's not worth it to branch too much to select different copy strategies for different block sizes. – Compel