I have a page with an iframe, and the iframe contains code that needs to run in quirks mode (it's Microsoft's Outlook Web Access, so it's not our code that we could fix anyway). IE9 introduced a "feature" that when the parent frame is in IE9 document mode, it also forces any iframes into the same document mode. This breaks the code we have an the iframe.
I was hoping this was a bug in IE9, but my ticket was turned down as "by design" (here is the ticket if you care to look)
I can't run the entire site in quirks mode, but I need it to happen only on this page. Is there a way to programmatically turn on quirks mode rendering? Either that, or a way to emulate pressing the "compatibility view" button - pressing this pretty much turns IE9 into IE8, which works just fine as well.
Is it possible to do either of these things?