Update: It works if I first execute a coroutine without timeout and then withTimeout. But If I execute a coroutine withTimeout first then it gives me an error. same goes for Async as well.
I am creating a demo kotlin multiplatform application where I am executing an API call with ktor. I want to have a configurable timeout function on ktor request so I am using withTimeout at coroutine level.
Here is my function call with network API.
suspend fun <T> onNetworkWithTimeOut(
url: String,
timeoutInMillis: Long,
block: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> Any): T {
return withTimeout(timeoutInMillis) {
withContext(dispatchers.io, block)
} as T
suspend fun <T> onNetworkWithoutTimeOut(url: String, block: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> Any): T {
return withContext(dispatchers.io, block) as T
Here is my AppDispatcher class for the iOSMain module.
actual class AppDispatchersImpl : AppDispatchers {
override val main: CoroutineDispatcher =
override val io: CoroutineDispatcher =
internal class NsQueueDispatcher(
@SharedImmutable private val dispatchQueue: dispatch_queue_t
) : CoroutineDispatcher() {
override fun dispatch(context: CoroutineContext, block: Runnable) {
NSRunLoop.mainRunLoop().performBlock {
so the function with the timeout gives me the following error in iOS client.
kotlin.IllegalStateException: There is no event loop. Use runBlocking { ... } to start one.
I am using 1.3.2-native-mt-1 version of the kotlin-coroutine-native. I have created a sample demo application at the following URL. https://github.com/dudhatparesh/kotlin-multiplat-platform-example
version mentioned in github.com/Kotlin/kotlinx.coroutines/issues/462. Seems we should be usingnewSingleThreadContext
but that doesn't resolve for some reason. – Certification