I'm probably doing something stupid, but I can't spot it.
I've installed Eclipse Helios (Helios because I couldn't get Glassfish support to work correctly using Gallileo) and the nightly build of the Scala Eclipse plugin for Helios
I've created a Scala project and added some files - a mix of Java and Scala.
They all seem syntactically correct - the Eclipse editor at least seems to know what language each file is, and reports correctly on syntax errors when I make them - but the Java files cannot find classes created in Scala. The IDE site seems to suggest this should all just work.
There are no class files in the bin directory for any of the Scala files (there are class files for each of the classes defined by the Java files) so it seems that for some reason the Scala files aren't being built. These missing class files would explain why the Java files don't see the classes.
What have I missed? How do I tell Eclipse to build those files?