I am using go 1.9
. And I want to deepcopy value of object into another object. I try to do it with encoding/gob and encoding/json. But it takes more time for gob encoding than json encoding. I see some other questions like this and they suggest that gob encoding should be quicker. But I see exact opposite behaviour. Can someone tell me if I am doing something wrong? Or any better and quicker way to deepcopy than these two? My object's struct is complex and nested.
The test code:
package main
import (
// Test ...
type Test struct {
Prop1 int
Prop2 string
// Clone deep-copies a to b
func Clone(a, b interface{}) {
buff := new(bytes.Buffer)
enc := gob.NewEncoder(buff)
dec := gob.NewDecoder(buff)
// DeepCopy deepcopies a to b using json marshaling
func DeepCopy(a, b interface{}) {
byt, _ := json.Marshal(a)
json.Unmarshal(byt, b)
func main() {
i := 0
tClone := time.Duration(0)
tCopy := time.Duration(0)
end := 3000
for {
if i == end {
r := Test{Prop1: i, Prop2: strconv.Itoa(i)}
var rNew Test
t0 := time.Now()
Clone(r, &rNew)
t2 := time.Now().Sub(t0)
tClone += t2
r2 := Test{Prop1: i, Prop2: strconv.Itoa(i)}
var rNew2 Test
t0 = time.Now()
DeepCopy(&r2, &rNew2)
t2 = time.Now().Sub(t0)
tCopy += t2
log.Printf("Total items %+v, Clone avg. %+v, DeepCopy avg. %+v, Total Difference %+v\n", i, tClone/3000, tCopy/3000, (tClone - tCopy))
I get following output:
Total items 3000, Clone avg. 30.883µs, DeepCopy avg. 6.747µs, Total Difference 72.409084ms
a := b
won't produce a deep copy. If your actual code contains pointers, slices, maps, functions or channels things become more complicated and you should test this. If you struct contains e.g. closures over functions you will have a hard time making a deep copy. If your struct contains loops you are out of luck with JSON. If your struct contains just some slices and maps then the simplest might be an initial flat copy and manually copying the few slices/maps. If it's []map[string][][]map[int][]string: redesign. – Fahey