With Lexical, how do I set default initial text?
Asked Answered



With the Lexical text editor framework, what's the easiest way to initialize the editor in React with a default text string?

I could, for instance, create an instance, manually save the JSON state, and then copy that JSON blob to my code, to set as initialEditorState to PlainTextPlugin, but this seems like I have to be missing something.

Thanks πŸ™

Apyretic answered 23/4, 2022 at 3:46 Comment(0)

Your intuition is correct. Avoid touching the EditorState directly, even when it's serialized as a JSON. Manipulating internals (inc. node private properties) can potentially lead to unexpected behavior/errors in future releases.

The initialEditorState can take many shapes:

export type InitialEditorStateType = null | string | EditorState | (() => void);

  • null -> empty EditorState (just a RootNode)
  • string -> a JSON stringified EditorState. Behind the scenes it calls JSON.parse(editor.setEditorState)
  • EditorState -> an EditorState. Behind the scenes it calls - editor.setEditorState() (the undo-redo/History plugin uses this) (() => void) -> an editor.update function

The one you're interested in is (() => void) -> an editor update.

You can run an editor.update like follows:

<LexicalPlainTextPlugin initialEditorState={() => {
  const paragraph = $createParagraphNode();
  const text = $createTextNode('foo');
}} />

No need to cache (useCallback) initialEditorState as it's only processed once

Side note: we're planning to move initialEditorState (that currently lives in LexicalPlainTextPlugin and LexicalRichTextPlugin) to LexicalComposer but it will work the same way.

We recommend avoiding manually handcrafted solutions too:

// PrepopulatePlugin.js
useLayoutEffect(() => {
  editor.update(() => {
    // Prepopulate
}, [editor]);

We built LexicalContentEditable to work well with SSR and handle the contenteditable appropriately. If you were to build your own custom solution you would have to repeat this process.

Gurl answered 9/5, 2022 at 13:9 Comment(3)
Is this in the documentation? Until I found this answer, I struggled to add a string as the initial state as I didn't know it had to be a stringified EditorState as JSON. – Moy
Any updates? I tried it but it doesnt work. – Ton
@zurfyx, How can I set the initialState from HTML those days? I was trying to combine the example from lexical.dev/docs/concepts/editor-state with the "HTML -> LexicalState" example from lexical.dev/docs/concepts/serialization#html---lexical but couldn't make it working. Simply nothing happens when I apply it in the LexicalComposer's initialConfig.editorState. In the "HTML -> Lexical" example everything is handled inside an editor.update() callback but I don't want to use it because it would autofocus my editor on page load. – Bussard

You can set default text by setting editorState to either a stringified JSON state, or a function that imperatively populates the editor.

Approach #1 - Initializing editorState to stringified JSON state

You can set the initial content by setting editorState to a stringified JSON state.


const initialConfig = {
  editorState: EMPTY_CONTENT,

const Editor = () => {

  return (
    <LexicalComposer initialConfig={initialConfig}>

Note that you can retrieve the JSON state via something like the onChangePlugin:

import { OnChangePlugin } from "@lexical/react/LexicalOnChangePlugin";

  const onChange = (editorState) => {
    editorState.read(() => {
      const json = editorState.toJSON();
  return (
    <LexicalComposer initialConfig={initialConfig}>
      <OnChangePlugin onChange={onChange} />

Approach #2 - Initializing editorState to function that imperatively populates editor

Or alternatively you can set the editorState to a function like this that imperatively initializes the editor (this is how it's done in the example below):

function prepopulatedRichText() {
  const root = $getRoot();
  if (root.getFirstChild() === null) {
    const paragraph = $createParagraphNode();
      $createTextNode("The playground is a demo environment built with "),
      $createTextNode(" Try typing in "),
      $createTextNode("some text").toggleFormat("bold"),
      $createTextNode(" with "),
      $createTextNode(" formats.")

const initialConfig = {
  editorState: prepopulatedRichText,

Here are the relevant pages in the documentation:

Here is an example of a Lexical editor defaulting with initial text:

Claudieclaudina answered 30/11, 2022 at 3:25 Comment(1)
what about if i want set default value by get from API example: editorState: "<p class="editor-paragraph"> <br> </p>" is it posibble into html ? – Rik

The way to achieve it found in lexical codebase is like so

   initialEditorState={ prepopulatedRichText}/>

function prepopulatedRichText() {
 const root = $getRoot();
 if (root.getFirstChild() === null) {
   const heading = $createHeadingNode('h1');
   heading.append($createTextNode('Welcome to the playground'));
   const quote = $createQuoteNode();
       `In case you were wondering what the black box at the bottom is – it's the debug view, showing the current state of editor. ` +
         `You can hide it by pressing on the settings control in the bottom-right of your screen and toggling the debug view setting.`,
   const paragraph = $createParagraphNode();
     $createTextNode('The playground is a demo environment built with '),
     $createTextNode(' Try typing in '),
     $createTextNode('some text').toggleFormat('bold'),
     $createTextNode(' with '),
     $createTextNode(' formats.'),
   const paragraph2 = $createParagraphNode();
       'Make sure to check out the various plugins in the toolbar. You can also use #hashtags or @-mentions too!',
   const paragraph3 = $createParagraphNode();
     $createTextNode(`If you'd like to find out more about Lexical, you can:`),
   const list = $createListNode('bullet');
       $createTextNode(`Visit the `),
         $createTextNode('Lexical website'),
       $createTextNode(` for documentation and more information.`),
       $createTextNode(`Check out the code on our `),
         $createTextNode('GitHub repository'),
       $createTextNode(`Playground code can be found `),
       $createTextNode(`Join our `),
         $createTextNode('Discord Server'),
       $createTextNode(` and chat with the team.`),
   const paragraph4 = $createParagraphNode();
       `Lastly, we're constantly adding cool new features to this playground. So make sure you check back here when you next get a chance :).`,

but I prefer to use stringified editorState then parse it to editorState by parseEditorState function owned by instance.

Here is another problem I'm confused which also seems I have to be missed something.

ParseEditorState is a function only used for instance, but I can't use useLexicalComposerContext under the init component which will return LexicalComposer(unexpected error will cause), so I need to write an extra plugin to achieve it. Something like that:

import { useSelector } from "react-redux";
import { useLexicalComposerContext } from "@lexical/react/LexicalComposerContext";
import { useEffect } from "react";

export default function EditorStatePlugin() {
  const activeNote = useSelector((state) => state.note.activeNote);
  const [editor] = useLexicalComposerContext();
  const state = editor.parseEditorState(
    activeNote?.content ||
  useEffect(() => {
  }, [activeNote]);

  return null;

It seems not a good way to write, is there a better way to do it?

Arnoldoarnon answered 6/5, 2022 at 13:38 Comment(0)

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