How to use Localizable.strings stored in a CocoaTouch Framework?
Asked Answered



I'd like to add multi-language support to a CocoaTouch Framework.

The problem: The Localizable.strings file I created only gets used by NSLocalizedString when it's part of the main app and its target. I'd like to store it inside the Framework to keep things separate.

How can I use the Localizable.strings when placed inside a CocoaTouch Framework?

Willhite answered 25/2, 2015 at 16:46 Comment(0)


NSLocalizedString("Good", tableName: nil, bundle: NSBundle(forClass: self), value: "", comment: "")

or you can create public func like this:

class func POLocalized(key: String) -> String{
    let s =  NSLocalizedString(key, tableName: nil, bundle: NSBundle(forClass: self.classForCoder()), value: "", comment: "")
    return s

example of use:

let locString = POLocalized("key")
Envious answered 22/7, 2015 at 14:1 Comment(5)
Do not use NSBundle(forClass: self) for public classes, because some Main bundle classes can inherit framework class and NSBundle(forClass: self) will point to main bundle, not the framework.Ascomycete
In this case u can use NSBundle(identifier: "FRAMEWORK_ID")Envious
What does the value parameter represent? The current Apple docs do not explain...Ozonolysis
It's a default value returned if the string is not found in the given table.Interview
For those who might wonder: No matter how much localizations your framework may contain, they will not be returned by NSLocalizedString (with the solution above) if your project itself is not targeting the desired language also.Sorensen

This can be done by specifying the bundle identifier of the framework in the NSLocalizedString constructor.

if let bundle: NSBundle = NSBundle(identifier: "com.mycompany.TheFramework") {
    let string = NSLocalizedString("key", tableName: nil, bundle: bundle, value: "", comment: "")
Tumbledown answered 24/2, 2016 at 23:43 Comment(0)

You can add this struct to your codebase:

internal struct InternalConstants {
    private class EmptyClass {}
    static let bundle = Bundle(for: InternalConstants.EmptyClass.self)

And then use optional bundle param to specify the location of your string file:

let yourString = NSLocalizedString("Hello", bundle: InternalConstants.bundle, comment: "")

Bundle.main is the default value if you don't use bundle param in your NSLocalizedString constructor.

Locker answered 27/4, 2019 at 22:6 Comment(1)
Code only answers are discouraged. Please add some explanation as to how this solves the problem, or how this differs from the existing answers. From ReviewGolightly

Get Localizable.strings from framework

A main point is to use Framework's bundle - bundle where strings(Localizable.string) are located

[Access to Framework bundle]

let someString = NSLocalizedString("some_string_id", tableName: nil, bundle: Bundle(identifier: "com.something")!, value: "", comment: "")

extension variant

extension String {
    public var localized: String {
        return NSLocalizedString(self, tableName: nil, bundle: Bundle(identifier: "com.something")!, value: "", comment: "")

let someString = "some_string_id".localized
Apocynaceous answered 24/6, 2021 at 11:53 Comment(0)

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