With GoRouter, Is there a way to push the exact same route with a different parameter and make the page reload? I am thinking of something like Navigator.pushReplacement
I am using context.go('/my_page/?param={someID}') to push to MyPage (a stateful widget)
The initial push to this route works fine and I load up the page for the particular ID
I am trying to push this same route again (replace the route and reload with different ID) using context.go('/my_page/?param={differentID}'). My breakpoints are hitting the return statement in my GoRoute pageBuilder, and I also hit a breakpoint in MyPage.build. I see the new ID passed into this widget when breakpointing in the build.
But the Page does not rebuild visually (or break in initState - side note, init state is used to load up a couple cubits with the passed in ID - could the page being a stateful widget be the problem?)
Maintain state on the Material Page is false. Also, pushing different routes works just fine.
Is this a stateful widget issue (meaning relocate all of my cubit init calls)? or is there a different way to push the same route?
EDIT _____________
This question was specific to rebuilding the same route, but the greater problem I was working on was to infinitely drill into the same page over and over again, while maintaining the navigation stack.
I was using a state manager to hold a list of routes and trigger the navigation by using context.go() to replace the current route completely.
is there a way to dynamically nest routes with context.push() while maintaining the entire nav stack?
not fitting in your case? With .go you will replace the whole navigation stack so you can't "add" another route with it – NelsenMyPage.build()
is called, then this will lead to a visual update. Are you sure that ths is the problem? Do you want to show the code where you callcontext.go
and the contents ofMyPage.build
? – Nelsen