Check out the Control.Arrow.Transformer.Automaton module in the "arrows" package. The type looks like this
newtype Automaton a b c = Automaton (a b (c, Automaton a b c))
This is a bit confusing because its an arrow transformer. In the simplest case you can write
type Auto = Automaton (->)
Which uses functions as the underlying arrow. Substituting (->) for "a" in the Automaton definition and using infix notation you can see this is roughly equivalent to:
newtype Auto b c = Automaton (b -> (c, Auto b c))
In other words an automaton is a function that takes an input and returns a result and a new automaton.
You can use this directly by writing a function for each state that takes an argument and returns the result and the next function. For instance, here is a state machine to recognise the regexp "a+b" (that is, a series of at least one 'a' followed by a 'b'). (Note: untested code)
state1, state2 :: Auto Char Bool
state1 c = if c == 'a' then (False, state2) else (False, state1)
state2 c = case c of
'a' -> (False, state2)
'b' -> (True, state1)
otherwise -> (False, state1)
In terms of your original question, Q = {state1, state2}, X = Char, delta is function application, and F is the state transition returning True (rather than having an "accepting state" I've used an output transition with an accepting value).
Alternatively you can use Arrow notation. Automaton is an instance of all the interesting arrow classes, including Loop and Circuit, so you can get access to previous values by using delay. (Note: again, untested code)
recognise :: Auto Char Bool
recognise = proc c -> do
prev <- delay 'x' -< c -- Doesn't matter what 'x' is, as long as its not 'a'.
returnA -< (prev == 'a' && c == 'b')
The "delay" arrow means that "prev" is equal to the previous value of "c" rather than the current value. You can also get access to your previous output by using "rec". For instance, here is an arrow that gives you a decaying total over time. (Actually tested in this case)
-- | Inputs are accumulated, but decay over time. Input is a (time, value) pair.
-- Output is a pair consisting
-- of the previous output decayed, and the current output.
decay :: (ArrowCircuit a) => NominalDiffTime -> a (UTCTime, Double) (Double, Double)
decay tau = proc (t2,v2) -> do
(t1, v1) <- delay (t0, 0) -< (t2, v)
dt = fromRational $ toRational $ diffUTCTime t2 t1
v1a = v1 * exp (negate dt / tau1)
v = v1a + v2
returnA -< (v1a, v)
t0 = UTCTime (ModifiedJulianDay 0) (secondsToDiffTime 0)
tau1 = fromRational $ toRational tau
Note how the input to "delay" includes "v", a value derived from its output. The "rec" clause enables this, so we can build up a feedback loop.
could be implemented asisEnd :: Q -> Bool
– Reynaud