I am dealing with creating AWS API Gateway. I am trying to create CloudWatch Log group and name it API-Gateway-Execution-Logs_${restApiId}/${stageName}
. I have no problem in Rest API creation.
My issue is in converting restApi.id which is of type pulumi.Outout to string.
I have tried these 2 versions which are proposed in their PR#2496
const restApiId = apiGatewayToSqsQueueRestApi.id.apply((v) => `${v}`);
const restApiId = pulumi.interpolate `${apiGatewayToSqsQueueRestApi.id}`
here is the code where it is used
const cloudWatchLogGroup = new aws.cloudwatch.LogGroup(
is just a string.
I have also tried to apply
again like
const restApiIdStrign = restApiId.apply((v) => v);
I always got this error from pulumi up
aws:cloudwatch:LogGroup API-Gateway-Execution-Logs_Calling [toString] on an [Output<T>] is not supported.
Please help me convert Output to string