I haven't been able to figure out a way to make Moose attributes completely private. Whenever I use has 'name' => (...);
to create an attribute, it is always exposed to reading at a minimum. For items I want to be truly private, I'm using standard "my" variables inside the Moose package. For a quick example, take the following module "CountingObject.pm".
package CountingObject;
use Moose;
my $cntr = 0;
sub add_one { $cntr++; }
sub get_count { return $cntr; }
Scripts that use that module have no direct access to the $cntr variable. They must use the "add_one" and "get_count" methods which act as an interface to the outside world. For example:
### Call and create
use CountingObject;
my $co = CountingObject->new();
### This works: prints 0
printf( "%s\n", $co->get_count() );
### This works to update $cntr through the method
for (1..10) { $co->add_one(); }
### This works: prints 10
printf( "%s\n", $co->get_count() );
### Direct access won't work. These would fail:
# say $cntr;
# say $co->cntr;
I'm new to Moose, but as far as I can tell, this approach provides completely private variables.
my $m = MooseObject->new(); print $m->_genetic_code;
would print whatever is stored in the attribute. I don't know if there is a way around that. It's never bothered me, but I figure it's worth mentioning. – Ingeringersoll