I have the following code:
$fb = new Facebook([
'app_id' => $appId,
'app_secret' => $appSecret,
'default_graph_version' => 'v2.9',
$oAuth2Client = $fb->getOAuth2Client();
$tokenMetaData = $oAuth2Client->debugToken($accessToken);
$graphUser = $fb->get('/me?fields=first_name,last_name,email', $accessToken)->getGraphUser()->asArray();
The output for the above is the following:
"app_id" => "..."
"application" => "My App Name"
"expires_at" => "2017-07-01 11:40:09.000000"
"is_valid" => true
"issued_at" => "2017-05-02 11:40:09.000000"
"metadata" => array:2 [
"auth_type" => "rerequest"
"sso" => "ios"
"scopes" => array:2 [
0 => "email"
1 => "public_profile"
"user_id" => "102..."
array:3 [
"first_name" => "John"
"last_name" => "Smith"
"id" => "102...",
As you can see, the scopes
in $metaData
clearly has email
so it isn't a permission issue. Despite this, the graph user sometimes does not have the email (although in some cases it does).
Why is this and how can I solve this issue?