Alright, I've seen tons of questions about this thing, but still, no one answers my question. In fact, each one of the questions I saw differs from the other, this access thing really seems to be hassling programmers.
Please check out the code:
DirectoryInfo Dir1 = Directory.CreateDirectory(Desktop + "\\DIR1");
DirectoryInfo Dir2 = Directory.CreateDirectory(Desktop + "\\DIR2");
//* Lets Create a couple of SubDirs in DIR1
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
// this will create 5 SubDirs in DIR1, named Sub1, Sub2 ... Sub5.
Dir1.CreateSubdirectory("Sub" + (i + 1).ToString());
//* lets create 5 text files in each SubDir:
for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++)
File.Create(Dir1.FullName + "\\Sub"+(i+1).ToString() + "\\text"+(j+1).ToString() + ".txt");
//* Lets Move all what we created in DIR1 to DIR2 (THIS IS WHERE I'M GETTING THE EXCEPTION
Directory.Move(Dir1.FullName, Dir2.FullName + "\\DIR1");
// I also Tried Dir1.MoveTo(Dir2.FullName + "\\DIR1");
Stack Trace:
at System.IO.DirectoryInfo.MoveTo(String destDirName)
at Directory_Class.Program.Main(String[] args) in c:\users\vexe\documents\visual studio 2010\Projects\Directory_Class\Directory_Class\Program.cs:line 207
at System.AppDomain._nExecuteAssembly(RuntimeAssembly assembly, String[] args)
at System.AppDomain.ExecuteAssembly(String assemblyFile, Evidence assemblySecurity, String[] args)
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.HostingProcess.HostProc.RunUsersAssembly()
at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context(Object state)
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean ignoreSyncCtx)
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart()
And of course, I tried the usual:
DirectorySecurity DirSec = Dir1.GetAccessControl();
string user = Environment.UserName;
DirSec.ResetAccessRule(new FileSystemAccessRule(user, FileSystemRights.FullControl, AccessControlType.Allow));
But it didn't change a bit!
I also tried changing the permissions manually, by right clicking dir1 -> properties -> security -> edit -> add -> typed everyone (in the enter object names to select) -> ok -> fullcontrol to everyone. (I also saw that my user account had full control as well)
Any hints would be deeply appreciated