I'm setting up a system where when the user changes the system theme to dark mode, it changes the theme and with Flutter, it works all well and good! However, when the user changes the system theme, the system navigation and status bar don't change their colors. I have code running on the home page inside the build method but that doesn't seem to do it. Here's the code inside the home page build method:
class HomePage extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
Brightness sysBrightness = MediaQuery.of(context).platformBrightness;
if (sysBrightness == Brightness.dark)
return Scaffold(
appBar: CustomAppBar(title: "Home"),
drawer: CustomDrawer(),
body: SizedBox(),
Here's the code in the main app with theme:
and darkTheme:
return MaterialApp(
initialRoute: '/',
routes: routes,
navigatorObservers: [_routeObserver],
theme: Themes.lightTheme,
darkTheme: Themes.darkTheme,
debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
title: 'School Life',
method, the theme does not change automatically. How do we also add the method to change the theme of the app? β Strep