Suddenly someone will need it.
I have a separate folder configured in my assembly for different types of files.
All that is required is: npm i sass
, npm i vite
import { defineConfig } from 'vite';
export default defineConfig({
root: './src',
build: {
outDir: '../dist',
assetsDir: '', // Leave `assetsDir` empty so that all static resources are placed in the root of the `dist` folder.
assetsInlineLimit: 0,
rollupOptions: {
// input: {
// // Uncomment if you need to specify entry points for .html files
// index: resolve(__dirname, 'src/index.html'),
// myworks: resolve(__dirname, 'src/my-works.html'),
// thoughts: resolve(__dirname, 'src/thoughts.html'),
// about: resolve(__dirname, 'src/about.html'),
// contact: resolve(__dirname, 'src/contact.html'),
// },
output: {
entryFileNames: 'js/[name]-[hash].js', // If you need a specific file name, comment out
chunkFileNames: 'js/[name]-[hash].js', // these lines and uncomment the bottom ones
// entryFileNames: chunk => {
// if ( === 'main') {
// return 'js/main.min.js';
// }
// return 'js/main.min.js';
// },
assetFileNames: assetInfo => {
const info ='.');
const extType = info[info.length - 1];
if (/\.(png|jpe?g|gif|svg|webp|webm|mp3)$/.test( {
return `media/[name]-[hash].${extType}`;
if (/\.(css)$/.test( {
return `css/[name]-[hash].${extType}`;
if (/\.(woff|woff2|eot|ttf|otf)$/.test( {
return `fonts/[name]-[hash].${extType}`;
return `[name]-[hash].${extType}`;
import '../scss/style.scss'
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
<!-- <link rel="stylesheet" href="scss/style.scss" /> ".scss styles can be included in html and not in main.js" -->
<title class="dawd">Starter_Vite</title>
<div id="app"><p class="dawd">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.</p></div>
<script type="module" src="js/main.js"></script>
Raw directory and file structure.
├── .gitignore
├── package.json
├── vite.config.js
└── src
├── index.html
├── fonts
│ ├── iosevka-ss11-extendedthin.ttf
│ ├── MuseoCyrl-500.otf
│ └── MuseoCyrl-500.woff2
├── js
│ └── main.js
├── media
│ └── 0.webp
└── scss
├── style.scss
└── _fonts.scss
Structure of directories and files of the finished assembly.
├── index.html
├── css
│ └── index-113614d4.css
├── fonts
│ ├── iosevka-ss11-extendedthin-550d1ad8.ttf
│ ├── MuseoCyrl-500-8f1dc1cc.otf
│ └── MuseoCyrl-500-dc3a33d1.woff2
├── js
│ └── index-190da3b7.js
└── media
└── 0-21ab3b1b.webp'.').at(-1)
to get the last item in the array instead of the 2nd. In my case there was a.
in my user folder name that broke it. – Absalom