I have a list of authors. I wish to automatically retrieve/calculate the (ideally yearly) citation index (h-index, m-quotient,g-index, HCP indicator or ...) for each author.
Author Year Index
first 2000 1
first 2001 2
first 2002 3
I can calculate all of these metrics given the citation counts for each paper of each researcher.
Author Paper Year Citation_count
first 1 2000 1
first 2 2000 2
first 3 2002 3
Despite my efforts, I have not found an API/scraping method capable of this.
My institution has access to a number of services including Web of Science.
package looks quite powerful if you have access to Scopus; there have also been some recent PubMed-scraping posts on r-bloggers (whether this works for you or not depends on whether you are happy with PubMed coverage in your field). Even if you could scrape WoS, it's not permitted by their terms of service ... – Lysol