Rails 5, Paperclip 5 update
Instead of having to add a library now, you can just call out to ImageMagick's convert command on the system to use its grayscale option. You can do the same for blur or any of the other ImageMagick options, but I needed to do this for conversion to grayscale.
In your model (client that has a logo):
class Client < ApplicationRecord
has_attached_file :logo,
styles: { thumb: "243x243#", grayscale: "243x243#" }
# ensure it's an image
validates_attachment_content_type :logo, content_type: /\Aimage\/.*\z/
# optional, just for name and url to be required
validates :name, presence: true
validates :url, presence: true
after_save :convert_grayscale
def convert_grayscale
system "convert #{self.logo.path(:thumb)} -grayscale Rec709Luminance #{self.logo.path(:grayscale)}"
def logo_attached?
Then just use in the view like this (per Paperclips github docs).
In your view:
<%= image_tag(client.logo.url(:grayscale), class: 'thumbnail', alt: client.name, title: client.name) %>
or with a link if you prefer:
<%= link_to(image_tag(client.logo.url(:grayscale), class: 'thumbnail', alt: client.name, title: client.name), client.url ) %>
:styles => { :grey => "450x250" }, :convert_options => {:grey => "-blur 0x8"}
– Pseudo