Connecting a QML signal to a regular C++ slot is easy:
// QML
Rectangle { signal foo(); }
// C++ old-style
QObject::connect(some_qml_container, SIGNAL(foo()), some_qobject, SLOT(fooSlot()); // works!
However, no matter what I try, I cannot seem to be able to connect to a C++11 lambda function slot.
// C++11
QObject::connect(some_qml_container, SIGNAL(foo()), [=]() { /* response */ }); // fails...
QObject::connect(some_qml_container, "foo()", [=]() { /* response */ }); // fails...
Both attempts fail with a function signature error (no QObject::connect overload can accept these parameters). However, the Qt 5 documentation implies that this should be possible.
Unfortunately, Qt 5 examples always connect a C++ signal to a C++ lambda slot:
// C++11
QObject::connect(some_qml_container, &QMLContainer::foo, [=]() { /* response */ }); // works!
This syntax cannot work for a QML signal, as the QMLContainer::foo signature is not known at compile-time (and declaring QMLContainer::foo by hand defeats the purpose of using QML in the first place.)
Is what I'm trying to do possible? If so, what is the correct syntax for the QObject::connect call?