This is a tricky one to explain. I have a module in another module namespace like so:
# app/models/points/calculator.rb
module Points
module Calculator
def self.included(base)
base.send(:include, CommonMethods)
base.send(:include, "Points::Calculator::#{base}Methods".constantize)
So then in other classes all I need to do is:
class User
include Points::Calculator
I've specified this directory in application.rb to be autoloadable...(even though i think rails recurses through models...)
config.autoload_paths += Dir[ Rails.root.join('app', 'models', "points") ]
In development env, everything works fine. When running tests(and production env), I get the following error:
Unable to autoload constant Points::Calculator, expected /Users/pete/work/recognize/app/models/points/calculator.rb to define it (LoadError)
I actually followed the advice here to fix the problem: Stop Rails from unloading a module in development mode by explicitly requiring calculator.rb in application.rb.
However, why is this happening??
I stuck some debug output in ActiveSupport's dependencies.rb file and noticed that this file is being required twice. The first time its required I can see that the constant is indeed loaded.
But the 2nd time its required the constant has been unloaded as far as Rails can tell, but when the actual require is called, ruby returns false because ruby knows its already required it. Then Rails throws the "unable to autoload constant" error because the constant still isn't present and ruby didn't "re-require" the file.
Can anyone shed light on why this might be happening?