I solved a problem that I couldn't find on stackoverflow, so I decided to upload it for others that encounter the error.
I have a set of functions to create a video from different plots. I use this to for example show how positions ([X Y] coordinates) change over time.
Inside one of my plotting procedures (see "a_plotting_function" in the example code), I used matplotlib's "text" to add text to a plot. However, in some cases, it resulted in an error:
"ValueError: posx and posy should be finite values"
The error appears at "writer.grab_frame()", which gave me a hard time locating the actual error.
In the example code, the error is perhaps easy to spot: the X value for one of the to-be-plotted coordinates is set to np.nan.
This bug was particularly difficult to catch because 1) the actual plotting procedure I use is much more complicated (or: more difficult to read) and 2) the error doesn't point at the cause (which turns out to be "plt.text", which makes posx and posy infinite for some reason..).
I hope I saved someone else the effort of finding the cause at some point in the future!
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.animation as manimation
import numpy as np
def a_plotting_function(X, Y, dX, dY, print_string):
plt.plot([X-dX, X], [Y-dY, Y])
plt.text(X, Y, print_string)
X = 0
Y = 0
dX = 1
dY = 2
frames = 30
frameRate = 24
dpi = 300
print_string = 'poetry'
writer = manimation.FFMpegWriter(fps = frameRate, extra_args=['-pix_fmt', 'yuv420p'])
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.set_xlim((X, X + frames * dX))
ax.set_ylim((Y, Y + frames * dY))
with writer.saving(fig, 'my_beautiful_movie.mp4', dpi):
for frame in range(frames):
X += dX
Y += dY
if X > 0.7 * frames:
X = np.nan
a_plotting_function(X, Y, dX, dY, print_string)
ValueError: posx and posy should be finite values [Finished in 2.7s with exit code 1] [shell_cmd: python -u "stack_overflow\value_error_matplotlib.py"]