I'm not sure I quite understand the difference. WebDriver API also directly controls the browser of choice. When should you use selenium remote control (selenium RC) instead ?
Right now, my current situation is I am testing a web application by writing a suite with Selenium WebDriver API and letting it run on my computer. The tests are taking longer and longer to complete, so I have been searching for ways to run the tests on a Linux server.
If I use Selenium Remote Control, does this mean I have to rewrite everything I wrote with WebDriver API?
I am getting confused with Selenium Grid, Hudson, Selenium RC. I found a Selenium Grid plugin for Hudson, but not sure if this includes Selenium RC.
Am I taking the correct route? I envision the following architecture:
- Hudson running on few Ubuntu dedicated servers.
- Hudson running with Xvnc & Selenium Grid plugin. (Do I need to install Firefox separately ?)
- Selenium grid running selenium RC test suites.
I think this is far more time efficient than running test on my current working desktop computer with WebDriver API.